Pono Collective the Coffee Education Experience

CULTIVATE and TRANSCEND. The Pono Collective is a celebration of coffee and champions, enabling roasters and producers in the coffee supply chain to collaborate with culinary programs, their students, and restaurants. It brings to light the necessity of coffee growing regions to work together with local culinary stakeholders to incorporate and promote the art of Specialty Coffee in restaurants and future generations.

Empowering Local Coffee Industry Through Knowledge Platform

Through the platform, knowledge can transcend and stimulate thought leadership to bring meaningful improvements at a grassroots level to the local coffee industry. Uplifting Specialty Coffee and weaving it into the culinary industry through education and future generations is the key goal of Pono Collective. The success of Pono Collective has also expanded outside of the coffee industry. Our format for instruction has proven to be effective and engaging, serving as a model for food related industries to collaborate with culinary programs and their students to discover, experience, and connect. Want to get involved? Contact your Customer Success Partner to learn more and join us in our quest to support and share knowledge to the next generation!
Empowering Local Coffee Industry Through Knowledge Platform

More Information on Coffee Education