Meet Savor Brands Coffee Director and one of your Pono Collective instructors: Marc Marquez!

Marc Marquez is the Coffee Director and Q-Grader at Savor Brands. Savor Brands is located in Downtown Honolulu, HI. During the Pono Collective, students will learn sensory skills commonly used in the coffee industry. There's certain skill sets that are used to grade green coffee as well. Students will be able to develop their palate at the Savor Sensory Lab to be able to evaluate and talk about fragrance, aroma, and learn about the key differences in coffee. Being born and raised in Hawaii, Marc has always been surrounded by coffee and is really excited to be part of the coffee community and be able to share with the students all that we do here! See you all very soon at Pono Collective, Aloha!
Savor Brands Coffee Director Marc Marquez
About Pono Collective:
Pono Collective provides culinary students the opportunity to earn credit towards their degree by registering for this four-day, multi island event showcasing Hawai'i grown coffee. This holistic approach grants the students access to professionals and helps foster an understanding of the diverse roles within the coffee value chain. The opportunities provided by Pono Collective help students not only develop a better understanding and appreciation for coffee but also helps them discover new ways to utilize their education that go beyond the kitchen by being able to form connections in other fields such as agriculture, science, and business.

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