At the 2024 Chicago SCA Expo, we launched our COMPOST+ line. COMPOST+ is a material structure, we at Savor Brands created just for you! We even took it one step further and got our COMPOST+ material fully certified by Din Certco and BPI. What's offered with the COMPOST+ bag?
  • We offer an industrial compostable zipper closure + degassing valve
  • This bag is made with plant based materials but please note it is not 100% plant based as there is a metallized layer to all current COMPOST+ bags.
Why does COMPOST+ have a metallized layer?
  • Since coffee packaging/bags only make up 3% of the total coffee supply chain carbon footprint, we believe that providing a protective and sustainable solution is of upmost importance.
  • By providing your coffee adequate protection, we're extending the shelf life of your coffee.
How does COMPOST+ work?
  • All bags made with the COMPOST+ material will need to be broken down at a commercial facility that can break down industrial compostable packaging.
  • At these commercial facilities, the bags will be broken down once exposed to optimal heat temperatures
Want to know more about COMPOST+? Contact us today to get started!
Savor Brands COMPOST+ Rotogravure Printed Coffee Bag.

Savor Brands COMPOST+ Rotogravure Printed Coffee Bag.

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