While the quality of your coffee is undoubtedly important, the power of custom packaging should not be underestimated. Custom packaging offers a unique opportunity to create a lasting impression, engage customers, and elevate your coffee brand to new heights. Together, we will explore how custom packaging can transform your coffee brand and unlock its full potential.
Custom packaging allows you to establish brand identity and show who you are as well as what you represent. Brand recognition is reinforced with custom packaging and helps build brand loyalty. We spoke with Xavier Alexander from Metric Coffee on how their brand-new packaging has impacted their business – What motivated your decision to update your coffee packaging? After (Almost) 10 years of business, we always struggled to figure out our own identity as a brand and what felt the most "us" and so, when we started to work with Lauren Gallagher, our then designer, we began to explore a new logotype along with creating a new line of packaging that embodies our values and is stripped down and kept simple. Have you seen any measurable improvements in sales since launching your new design? Not immediately but overtime, we have seen more interest regionally and internationally due to the quality of our packaging, branding and product. Furthermore, when we introduced our Modicum line which are our limited release Single Origin Coffees, we noticed a lot of interest in folks loving our 8 ounce transparent bags that are housed in a custom paper box. What kind of customer feedback have you received since the launch Our customers really enjoy the clean design and also haptic varnish that was applied to the bags to give it a smooth grit to give customers a different tactile experience. Do you have any tips or advice for those looking to change up their packaging game? Keep it simple and focus on the quality of your product. More and more, brands are launching bags and other types of packaging to draw attention to their designs, which we love, but also, may not be as practical when it comes to cost so my advice to anyone looking to change up their packaging- 1. don't be afraid to change your branding and 2. before you do so, spend some time chewing on it and see if your love (and opinion) of your new packaging still feels right. Wow! Thanks Xavier and the Metric Coffee Team for sharing your packaging story! We always love hearing all the fun feedback from our partners!
Metric Coffee Packaging

Photo Source: Metric Coffee Instagram

At Savor Brands, we’re here to help you create something that really encompasses all that you are, ultimately helping you shine on the retail shelves. As pioneers of tricked-out custom coffee packaging, our team will work with you to pick the right bag style, material, and other cool features to help your brand POP! Packaging has a huge importance in determining the perceived value of your coffee and increase your profit margins. You are the company you keep, and your packaging should represent where you want to be sold. Take the following into consideration -
  • Are you looking for custom packaging for grocery stores?
  • Cafés?
  • Farmer’s market?
  • Or even curated specialty shops?
It’s important to know the location of where your coffee will be sold because it affects your bag footprint/dimensions, closure option, and material. Coffee sold in large quantities at your big chain grocery store vs. small, limited-edition coffee sold in a curated specialty shop would look vastly different.
  • Are your customers grinding coffee in store?
  • Sold pre-grounded? Or will it just be whole bean only?
Being able to identify your desired retail location will better help guide you towards making the best decisions for your custom packaging. Coffee sold in big chain grocery stores would not fetch nearly as much as ones sold in a specialty shop.
Metric Coffee Store

Photo Source: Metric Coffee Instagram

Custom coffee packaging can completely change your brand and create more opportunities for your business. It can provide the extra “oomph” needed to get your coffee out of Farmer’s Markets and into actual brick and mortar retail locations. Don’t be afraid to try out different packaging and designs as it may take some trial and error to find something that works with your business. Just remember, as your business grows, your packaging should grow along with it! Contact our team to start your packaging journey!

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