We're thrilled to announce the winner of the 2023 World Coffee Roasting Championship!
1st place is INDONESIA (Taufan Mokoginta)
Taufan Mokoginta is from Indonesia and is the founder of Ultra Coffee Indonesia. He has been competing for 3 years and has competed once for Barista and twice for the Roasters (2022 & 2023).2nd place TURKEY (Talha Erdinc Bas)
Talha Erdinc Bas is from Turkey and is the roaster for Khaldi Coffee. he has been working in coffee for the last 9 years and has previously competed in the Roasting Competition as well as Cup Tasters and Brewers Cup. He has had several second and third places at nationals.3rd place USA (Andrew Coe)
Andrew Coe is from the United States and is the owner, head roaster, and green coffee buyer for Elevator Coffee in Portland, OR. This was his second time competing in a roasting competition. He is a competitive person and enjoys all aspects of competition and learns more about roasting and coffee in general every time he competes.4th place JAPAN (Yoshiyuki Nakamura)
Yoshiyuki Nakamura is from Japan and is the roaster for Mamepolepole in Okinawa prefecture.
Taufan Mokoginta is from Indonesia and is the founder of Ultra Coffee Indonesia.
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all the competitors, judges, volunteers, and attendees that made this event a success. The 2023 World Coffee Roasting Championship has been a great celebration of talent and innovation in coffee. We hope to see you all again next year at Copenhagen! Until then, keep on roasting!

All of the Taipei 2023 World Coffee Roasting Championship Winners